How to change the settings of Proffieboard (provisional version)


Changing the settings of the Proffieboard requires a certain level of technical knowledge. You are free to customize it yourself, but we do not guarantee against any troubles, malfunctions, or other defects caused by changing the settings. Please note that if such problems occur, repairs may be required even if the product is within the warranty period. However, we can provide support for changing the settings, so please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Before making any changes to the settings, be sure to back up the files on the SD card.

What you need to change the settings

Below is a list of what you need to create a Proffieboard V2.2 configuration environment.

  1. Lightsaber body : Proffieboard v2.2 (V3.9) board or a custom lightsaber equipped with it.
  2. Computer : A computer with Windows 10 (or 11) installed. Macs are also supported, but these instructions are for Windows.
  3. Software : Arduino IDE (free download from the official Arduino website ). Zadig (free download from the official Zadig website ). The latest versions of both should be fine.
  4. USB Cable : A USB cable for connecting the Proffieboard to a PC (Proffieboard supports Micro USB).
  5. Internet connection : Required for downloading Arduino IDE and board definitions for Proffieboard, and for obtaining the latest version of ProffieOS.
  6. ProffieOS software : Firmware for Proffieboard. The latest version of ProffieOS can be downloaded for free from ProffieOS ( . We use ProffieOS 6.9 here. It can be obtained from the link below. If you contact us, we can also send you the OS file.
  7. Text editor (optional): Used to edit configuration files. We will use Sakura Editor ( here.

How to change the settings for Proffieboard V2.2

Step 1: Install Arduino IDE

  1. Download Arduino IDE : Download Arduino IDE from the official Arduino website . The image shows IDE 2.2.1, but the latest version available at the time of purchase should be fine.

  2. Installation : Run the downloaded file and follow the instructions to install Arduino IDE.

Step 2: Install the board definition for Proffieboard

  1. Launch Arduino IDE : Open the installed Arduino IDE.
  2. Setting additional Boards Manager URLs : Select "Preferences" from the "File" menu, and add the following URL to "Additional Boards Manager URLs".

  3. To start the Boards Manager : From the Tools menu, select Board → Boards Manager...
  4. Search for and install Proffieboard : Search for "Proffieboard" in the board manager and click the "Install" button for Proffieboard by Fredrik Hubinette that appears. This one is also 3.6 in the image, but the latest version at the time of download is fine.


Step 3: Installing the driver (Pattern 1)

  1. Download ProffieDFU: Get and install ProffieOS DFU . Direct link: proffie-dfu-setup
    You can skip the steps previously performed in Zadig (Step 3, Pattern 2).
    If you are unable to do this depending on your device or environment, please perform pattern 2 in step 3.

    Step 3: Install the driver (Pattern 2)

    1. Download Zadig : Download Zadig from the official Zadig website .

    1. Run Zadig : Run the downloaded Zadig.
    2. Connecting the Proffieboard : Connect the Proffieboard to your PC with a USB cable.
    3. Installing the driver : In Zadig, select "Options" → "List All Devices", select Proffieboard (STM32 BOOTLOADER) from the list, select "WinUSB", and click "Install Driver" or "Replace Driver".

    Step 4: Edit the config file and write it to the board

    Preparing the configuration file

    1. Download and extract ProffieOS : Download ProffieOS 6.9 and extract it to a location of your choice.
    2. Selecting a config file : Save the config file in the "config" folder inside the ProffieOS folder.
    3. Edit the config file : Use a text editor to edit the config file, for example to customize sensitivity, number of LEDs, sound effects, button behavior, etc.

    Operation with Arduino IDE

  1. Open the ProffieOS sketch (.ino file) in the ProffieOS folder.

    1. Specifying a config file in your sketch : The first few lines of the ProffieOS sketch specify the config file to use, for example: #include "config/your_config_file.h" , which is the path to your edited config file.
    2. Select the board and port : From the "Tools" menu of the Arduino IDE, select "Proffieboard V2" under "Board"* and select the port to which the Proffieboard is connected under "Port". If the board is not displayed, click "Get Board Information" under "Tools". *If the board installed in the saver is Proffieboard V3.9, select Proffieboard V3.
    3. Upload Sketch : Click the "Upload" button in the Arduino IDE to upload your changes to the Proffieboard.

    Setting change example 1: Changing blade LED parameters

    Example) To change the number of blade LEDs:
    Open the configuration file and change the red number in the BladeConfig blades[] section at the bottom.
    This number represents the number of LEDs on the main blade. If you set it to 115 as in the image, all 115 LEDs in the blade will be lit up.
    115 LEDs is equivalent to a 32 inch (approximately 80 cm) blade.


    If used with a 36 inch (90 cm) blade, change this number to 132.

    Note: If you set the value to 132 and use an 80cm blade, effects such as melt and drag, which only emit white light at the tip, may not be activated correctly.


    After rewriting the configuration file, save it overwrite and use Arduino to upload it to the target saver and the settings will be reflected.

    Useful links

    Proffieboard V2 ( Proffieboard V2.2

    ProffieOS Documentation: Proffieboard Setup ( How to set up your Proffieboard

    Proffie V2.2 Setup Tutorial Proffie V2.2 Setup Tutorial