Proffieboard Operation Manual Beta version ProffieOS7.14

Last updated: 2024/05/14

*This is a version currently being verified and has not yet been reflected in the retail version.


This page summarizes how to operate a custom lightsaber equipped with Proffieboard V2.2 or V3.9.

Please check the page regarding precautions for custom lightsabers before using them.


About Annotations and Motion

  • PWR: Power button
  • AUX: Auxiliary button
  • Click: Press and quickly release the button.
  • Double-click: Click the button twice quickly.
  • Long click: Press and release the button for about 1 second.
  • Hold: Press and hold the button.
  • Twist: Rotate the hilt about 90 degrees to the left or right and then return it to its original position.
  • Stab: A straight thrusting motion.
  • Push: Slowly push and pull horizontally.

Motion image diagram (Reference: FETT263)

Operation manual (one button model)

This is a manual for the one-button model, which can be operated with a single button.

item Feature Description Method of operation
ON (start) Turns the saver from OFF to ON. Click the button while stopped.
OFF (stop) Turns the saver from ON to OFF. Hold the button while booting.
Gesture ON/OFF Activate ON/OFF without using a button. When stopped, twist to start, and when starting, twist to stop.
Blaster Blaster sound + blaster effect occurs. Click the button during startup.
Lock-up Lockup sound + lockup effect occurs. Hold down a button while launching to cause a crash.
(The blade must not be pointing downwards.)
stub A stab effect occurs where the tip of the blade glows. During activation, the blades are oriented parallel to perform the stab.
Melt A melt effect occurs where the tip of the blade glows. Hold the button while launching to perform a stab.
drag A drag effect occurs where the tip of the blade glows. Hold down a button while launching to cause a crash.
(The blade is facing downwards)
Font Change Change the font (sound source) being set. Next font: Long click the button while stopped Previous font: Hold the button while stopped
Force Action A force sound will be played when activated. Hold and twist the button while booting.
Multi Blast Mode When in multi-blast mode, swinging will generate a blaster effect. Hold the button and swing while powered on to start the mode.
Click the button while in the mode to cancel it.
Lightning Block When activated, the blade has a lightning block effect. Double click and hold the button during startup.
Color Change Mode This will switch to color change mode, where you can change the blade LED color. While activating the controller, point the hilt down and hold the button while twisting.
When this occurs, a sound effect will play and the mode will switch to color change mode. *Some special effects may not be able to change colors properly.
┗Color selection Change the blade LED color. While in the mode, rotate the hilt to select a color.
┗Color selection
(mode off)
Decide the blade color and cancel color change mode. Hold the button until you hear a sound effect of the specified color.
BGM Playback Mode Plays background music set for each font. Double-click the button while stopped.
┗BGM Stop Stops the background music that is playing. Double-click the button while in BGM playback mode.
Volume Adjustment Mode You can adjust the volume of the saver. When stopped, hold the button and crash to enter the mode.
┗Volume up Increase the volume setting. Click the button during the mode.
┗Volume down Set the volume down. Long click during the mode.
┗Volume determination Determine the volume and release the control volume. Crash while holding a button in mode.

Operation Manual (2 -button model)

This is a manual for the two-button model consisting of PWR and AUX buttons.

item Feature Description Method of operation
ON (start) Turns the saver from OFF to ON. Click PWR when stopped
OFF (stop) Turns the saver from ON to OFF. Click PWR during startup
Mute ON Starts in muted mode. Double-click PWR while stopped
Gesture ON/OFF Activate ON/OFF without using a button. Twist while starting or stopping
Blaster Blaster sound + blaster effect occurs. Click AUX during startup
Multi Blast Mode When in multi-blast mode, swinging will generate a blaster effect. Long click AUX during startup to start the mode. Click Crash or AUX during the mode to cancel.
stub A stab effect occurs where the tip of the blade glows. During startup, perform the crash with the blades facing parallel.
drag A drag effect occurs where the tip of the blade glows. While booting, with the blade pointing down, hold AUX and perform a crash.
Or, hold AUX with the blade in the downward position.
Melt A melt effect occurs where the tip of the blade glows. While booting, hold AUX with the blades above parallel and perform a stab.
Maintains melt while held.
Lock-up Lockup sound + lockup effect occurs. Hold AUX while it's running and vibrate the hilt.
Or hold AUX with the blade in any position other than downwards.
Force Action A force sound will be played when activated. Long click on PWR during startup.
Force Push A motion action causes a force action to occur. Perform a push action on the blade while it is running.
Lightning Block The blade has a lightning block effect. While booting, hold PWR and click AUX.
Keep the Lightning Block on while holding PWR.
Color Change Mode Change the blade LED color.

While the blade is holding AUX during startup, click PWR. (Imagine pressing AUX and then pressing PWR immediately after.)

Rotate the hilt to select the color. *It will not activate if the blade is facing up. Some effects may not change color properly.

┗Color selection
(mode off)
Decide the blade color and exit the mode. Click PWR in the mode with the given color
Color reset (mode release) Resets the color to the color when color change mode is activated and cancels the mode. Click PWR in the mode with the given color
Multi-Phase Preset Change Change the font without turning off the blade. While booting, press and hold AUX and perform the twist operation.
Battery Check Reads out the remaining battery level as a percentage. While stopped, press and hold AUX and click PWR
Gesture ON/OFF Motion action control can be turned on/off. While stopped, press and hold PWR and twist.
Preset Scroll Modes You can change the sound source using motion actions. Long click AUX when stopped
(A voice will sound "Select Preset" when switching)
┗Preset Move Change to preset (font). Rotate hilt right: move to next font Rotate hilt left: move to previous font

Adding a PWR hold will jump you to the next (or previous) font.
┗Sound source decision Confirm the preset (font) and exit the mode. Click PWR while in preset scroll mode
┗Set as default sound source Move to preset 1 (initial position preset). Click AUX while in preset scroll mode
Font Change Change the font (sound source) being set.

Next preset: Click AUX while stopped Previous preset: Click AUX while stopped with blade in down position

BGM playback Plays background music set for each font. Long click PWR while stopped
┗BGM Stop Stops the background music that is playing. Long click PWR while stopped and BGM is playing
Battle mode switch Enables/disables Battle Mode. While it's running, press and hold AUX and swing to switch ON/OFF.
BATTLE MODE During battle mode, relevant actions will be automatically triggered depending on the situation. When battle mode is ON, the following actions are activated:
┗Auto lockup This creates a lock-up effect. With the blade facing any direction other than downwards, apply a crash and keep the crash position
┗Automelt A melt effect occurs. Keeps the stub+stub position when the blade is not pointing down
┗Auto Drag A drag effect occurs. With the blade facing down, keep the stub + stub position
┗Blast Effect Blaster effect occurs. Click AUX and swing within 2 seconds to switch to multi-blast mode, where blaster action is activated.
Volume Adjustment Mode You can adjust the volume of the saver. While stopped, press and hold PWR and click AUX.
┗Volume adjustment
(mode off)
Adjust the setting volume. You can adjust the volume by rotating the hilt.
Left rotation: Small volume Right rotation: Large volume
┗Volume setting
(mode off)
Determine the volume. Click PWR or AUX
Effect Change Mode (New) You can change the lighting pattern. During startup, press and hold AUX and long click PWR (press and release for about 1-2 seconds).

When the effect change is activated, the saber will go dark for a moment, followed by a sound effect, then re-ignite with the changed effect from the base of the blade.

The effect that is changed will cycle through the effect patterns of the font currently set in the saver.

Reference Video


The ProffieOS used is 6.9. (As of May 2023)

You can see the lightsabers equipped with Proffieboard at the following link:

Please see the link below for past Proffieboard manuals.