XenoPixel settings change manual

important point

Although we provide support for problems caused by changing settings or problems that occur due to changing settings, we may not be able to guarantee it. Please respond at your own risk.


To change settings, you need to remove the micro SD card from the board and read it with a PC.

When removing the SD card, please do so in sleep mode or with the saver battery removed.

Please use the included USB SD card reader to connect to a computer.

When you read the SD card, you will see a configuration like the one below, so click on the " setting " folder inside.


When you open the " setting " folder, the following file list will be displayed.

Click " config " and open it in a text editor (such as Notepad).


When " config " opens, preparation is complete.


2) How to change motion ON/OFF settings

XenoPixel can be turned on/off by motion action.

The current version (April 2013) supports three motion ON operation patterns: push (stub), twist, and swing, and two motion OFF operation patterns: pull and twist.

To enable or disable each motion action, please change the status settings below.


Interpretation of each status

status name Status description
motion_control Enabling/disabling general motion control
pull_push_on Motion ON with push
push_pull_off Motion OFF when pulling
push_sensitivity=18 Push ON operation sensitivity
pull_sensitivity=13 Pull OFF operation sensitivity
swing_on=1 Motion ON during swing
swing_sensitivity=1100 Swing motion ON sensitivity
twist_on=0 Motion ON with twist
twist_off=0 Motion OFF even when twisting
twist_sensitivity=220 Twist ON/OFF sensitivity

Set it to 1 to enable motion (_on or _off), and set to 0 to disable it.

Also, the lower the sensitivity, the higher the sensitivity. If you feel that the sensitivity is high, change the value to the positive side, and if you feel that the sensitivity is low, change the value to the negative side.

Setting example 1)

Before setting: push_sensitivity=18

After setting: push_sensitivity=13

In this case, setting it to 13 will make it easier to activate push ON.

Setting example 2)


The motion ON status for push is set to 1, so it is valid , and the motion OFF for pull is set to 0, so it is disabled .

3) How to change the maximum volume


Change the volume status above. You can set it up to 100, but please limit it to 80 because there is a risk of speaker damage.

4) Blade mode ON/OFF setting

With XenoPixel V3, you can control the enable/disable of some blade styles and actions. xeno5

status Status description
velocity_mode Blade style: velocity mode
torch_mode Blade style: torch mode
multiblock_mode Action: Multiblock
multilock_mode Action: Multi-lock
lightning_block_mode Action: Lightning Block
blaster_mode Blade style: Blaster mode
ghost_mode Blade style: Ghost mode

By default, statuses other than lightning_block_mode are set to disabled (0).
It is enabled by setting it to 1.

Among them, Blaster mode and Ghost mode are different from normal saber effects, and the blade only emits light during blaster action.

5) Countdown sound ON/OFF


Set whether to enable or disable the count sound that occurs depending on the number of LED blinks.

1 is valid, 0 is invalid.

6) Adjustment of FoC and crash sensitivity

You can enable/disable FoC (Flash on Crash) and adjust crash sensitivity.
XENO3 setting
flash_on_clash is 1 to enable FoC, 0 to disable FoC. By default it is set to 1 (enabled).
Also, sensitivity adjustment for generating FoC can be adjusted by changing crash_sensitivity .
By default, it is set to around 2.0, but if you want to increase crash sensitivity, please set it to a lower number.
However, if the sensitivity is set too high, speaker vibrations may be detected and unintended crashing may occur.

Setting example 1) Example of increasing crash sensitivity


Setting example 2) Example of lowering crash sensitivity


7) Reference: English version manual

This content is a manual for firmware version ver1.0 (April 2023 version).

Depending on the version, operation or configuration status may differ. Please note.